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SMD is forecasting a Below Bloomberg Consensus Low (149K) Net New Jobs of 125,000 in Friday's BL

Larry Green, CFA

SmartMarketData, LLC is forecasting a below Bloomberg consensus low estimate (149,000) forecast of just 125,000 net new NFP (non-farm payroll) jobs for November, 2019. We forecast the unemployment rate at 3.6%. We forecast average hourly earnings to tic up 0.2%.

Our proprietary forecast methodology uses the LinkUp Jobs Data of real time job posts for almost 50,000 companies as a core input. This alternative data set of company job posts are a company management team's best expectation for their company's future employment, and therefore their company's expected growth. When rolled up to a macro level, we believe this gives a near real-time look at job growth for the entire US economy.

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